A Christmas Gift From Boss

December 26, 2010

This eMachines by Acer D725 which was issued by my boss for work was officially mine! Just last week my boss called me up first ask me the usual work updates and then the next question was if I want a bonus, and ofcourse I said yes! Then unexpectedly, he ask me how long will be my holiday vacation... My initial reaction was wow! I love my boss... hehehe Imagine your boss asking how many days are you going to have a vacation in addition to your bonus and the laptop! :D
Anyways going back, so I've decided for a 1 week vacation meaning I'll be back working on January 3, 2011. And I do hope my work routine by this time would be normal already since ill be having 1 week vacation. This past few months I am having troubles sleeping early. An d it sucks! So I hope this vacation would really benefit me.

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