Apple's 18th Birthday

January 24, 2011

After 3 weeks, January 22, 2011 finally arrived. Glad everything went well and everybody was happy with everything specially the debutant. Preparing this debut party has contributed a lot of useful knowledge to me. Rest assured though that I will still be blogging about some debut preparations details to help you out some information you need.

The give-aways which I personally made. I decorated them myself.

Cake from Cahatian Cakes and Balloons...

The free tarpaulin of De Luxe Hotel.... Its not so presentable. :(

Decorations in progress...

Complimentary room for the debutant...

Gown from Gil Macaibay...

Video and photo coverage...

The final venue look...

Photo Montage made by me...

More likely I handled more on the physical preparations (over-all look) of the debut such as venue, giveaways, video, decorations and cakes. For the program debutante relative handled it. And for the gown its the debutante choice to rent a Gil Macaibay's Collections.

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