I'm currently addicted to Instagram and getting the hang of Twitter, that most of the time I spent most of my spare time there rather than blogging. I am not sure if that's good or not. What do you think?
How about you which social network do you hangout the most?
By the way, if were not yet friends on Insta and Twitter feel free to connect with me and shoot me a comment on my profile so I can follow you back. I'm @Venussmileygal on both social networks. ^_^
Today, I am going to answer questions that Kai of Kittyjournal.com sent for Liebster nomination.
Thank you Kai for the thoughtful nomination. I enjoyed answering the questions...
1. What’s the story behind your blog name?
Venussmileygal has been my online nickname. And so when I created a personal blog I name it after my online nick. However, back then I am not managing my own domain and hosting so when the domain named expired and was not renewed immediately, the domain was taken away by others because it has a page rank of three and has high traffic. Got totally devastated and I almost stop blogging. When I slowly recovered from that blogging breakdown, I rebuild my blog on EmoteraGoddess.com. I name my blog Emotera Goddess because I am very emotional that time.
July this year I rename my blog back to Venussmileygal.
2. Who’s your inspiration in life?
My son and my mom. They are my drive to work hard and stay healthy because I know they need me.
And as for my son, he inspires me to be a better and stronger person everyday. I strive to be good and mindful because I know he looks up to me.
And as for my son, he inspires me to be a better and stronger person everyday. I strive to be good and mindful because I know he looks up to me.
3. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
Family and career... Hopefully in love life soon. :D
4. What’s your favorite dish and why?
Tough question.... I actually love a lot of food.
5. Name one person that left a huge impact on your life.
My son. Having him had a large impact on my life because when I had him every aspect of my life changed. He opened my eyes to something that I didn't see, learn things I didnt know or would never thought I should learn, and find courage to face the cruel circumstances in life. Being a single mom is tough but I am able to stand and move forward to give him a comfortable life now and a brighter future.
6. Do you play any musical instrument? What are those?
No, but I would love to continue learning guitar. I initially learned guitar way back highschool but I stop.
7. If you were given a chance to talk to God, what would it be and why?
Would probably ask me Him when does He plan to send me the love of my life? hahaha
But seriously, I just want to thank Him for all the blessings He has given me now and for always there behind me, extending His hand when I lost my path, carrying me when I cant stand, wipe my tears when I cried a lot and gives me a big hug when I needed it the most. :)
8. Would you ever travel to a non-air-conditioned bus?
I actually prefer non-aircon bus specially in long trips because I have low tolerance of cold air. I feel dizzy and easily get stomach spasm when long exposure to cold air condition.
9. Do you have a planner? How do you keep them neat and accordingly?
I do have a lot planners which are already old. In fact, what I am using now is an old planner from previous years. :D
And that's how I keep it neat and order by not using it that much. hahaha! Kidding aside, I am no longer as religious as before in making use of planners. I am kinda sort of a spontaneous person.
10. Name one restaurant you would like to have/own someday.
A fancy coffee or pastry or tea shop. I've been dreaming of owning a cafe like those we see in Korean dramas.... Quaint, has fancy cups and saucers, decorated with flowers and hand paintings, and has a garden. :D
11. Ramen or Pablo Cheesecake?
Ramen. ;)
There you go everyone. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a bit through this questions... If you have some questions for me, feel free to send them to me in the comment sestion below. I would love to answer them on my next blogpost. ;)
There you go everyone. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a bit through this questions... If you have some questions for me, feel free to send them to me in the comment sestion below. I would love to answer them on my next blogpost. ;)